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Free Webinar, 14 September, 3pm CET

GW-News Talks - The clever switch

It is again time to announce the next session of our webinar series GW-News Talks. This time, Fredrik Fränding of ChromoGenics will talk to us about “The clever switch”, and we will learn about smart and switchable glass used for sun shading. You also find out why this way of sun shading will become more and more important for future facades.

The Swedish company ChromoGenics produces smart dynamic glass that among other properties helps to reduce energy consumption and operational costs in buildings and is easy to applicate to glass. ConverLight Dynamic is a product based on an interlayer that can be laminated into LSG.


Who is Fredrik Fränding?

Fredrik Fränding, is the CEO of Swedish company ChromoGenics.

What are the GW-News Talks?

For the GW-News Talks the hosts Jorma Vitkala (Vitkala Association Oy) and Matthias Rehberger (GW-News, Head of Content and editor at GLASWELT) invite interesting speakers to give an overview of the latest global developments for the building envelope and glass industry.

The session is free and if you haven’t already, you can sign up for it here: www.gw-news.eu/gw-news-talks

Details in short:

14 September, 3pm CET
The clever switch
Smart and switchable glass for sun shading
Fredrik Fränding (ChromoGenics)